Archive for the ‘Lola the Puppy’ Category

Mohameed’s Weekend with Lola

8 March, 2017

Mohameed and his family had so much fun with Lola. Mohameed took her everywhere he went. He didn’t even want to leave her when he went to bed. Thursday night they went together to a restaurant. He also bought Lola a dress which he chose himself. On Friday they had breakfast together and watched a movie on the iPad. Later that day, he introduced Lola to the rest of his family. Saturday morning they baked a cake with Mohameed’s mommy, and later on they went to The Pearl because the weather was lovely. Mohameed and Lola had a wonderful weekend together.

Reina’s Weekend with Lola

9 February, 2017

Lola had so much fun with Reina last weekend. Reina was very excited to spend some time with Lola, so she took her for dinner on Thursday night to a Chinese restaurant! After a very long day it was time to go to bed, and Lola gave Reina some cuddles before she went to sleep. In the morning, Reina and Lola had some eggs for breakfast. What a lovely weekend!

Eliot’s Weekend with Lola

9 February, 2017

Lola had a very busy weekend with Eliot! After school, Eliot’s mummy took Eliot and Lola to the bakery to eat some doughnuts. Eliot took Lola to the park and read his favorite stories to her after such a busy day. Lola also got to meet Sushi! Sushi is Eliot’s cat, and they have become really good friends. What a lovely weekend!