Archive for the ‘Last Years Preschool 3’ Category

Preschool 3 Siblings’ Morning!!

19 November, 2014

Siblings morning 017Siblings morning 019IMG_0587IMG_0591IMG_0612Today, we were delighted to have the siblings of the Preschool 3 classes (Preschool 3a & b) come in to visit our classrooms this morning! All Preschool 3 students enjoyed introducing their Teachers, Ms. Claire and Ms. Lisa to their younger and/or older siblings. We thoroughly enjoyed singing songs and playing games with the siblings in the classroom. Then, we brought the siblings outside to show them our playground.

Here are some photographs from the morning!


Learning about the parts of the body!

21 October, 2014

Preschool 3 have been learning about the parts of the body. They have made a body, in Girraffe class they have called him Bob! The children decorated him with paper and then labeled him with the parts of the body flashcards. In Cheeky Monkey class the children painted their body and labeled the parts of his body as well. All the children worked very well together and enjoyed learning about the parts of the body!October 2 035 October 2 036

Our First Unit of Inquiry!

17 October, 2014

039This week, Preschool 3 begun our first unit of Inquiry, “Myself and My Family”. We have begun with the concept of “Myself”, exploring our physical characteristics, parts of the body and our five senses. This week, we have been focusing on our physical characteristics and our body parts through the story “From Head to Toe” by Eric Carle. Through this story, the children inquire and explore what we can do with our body parts.

Here is a photograph of the Cheeky Monkey Class doing actions with their body parts.


First few weeks of school….

25 September, 2014

The children have settled in really well and have enjoyed getting to know each other as well as all their teachers. The children have been very busy playing, learning numbers and colours as well as doing Jolly Phonics. They have also attended P.E., music, Visual Art, Arabic and Spanish, which have been fun and interactive. In the homeroom classroom the children have participated in circle time, as well as doing table top activities, art and games on the Smartboard.

It has been a fun few weeks and Ms. Claire and Ms. Lisa have really enjoyed getting to know your children while  teaching them new concepts. We are looking forward to the next few weeks and hope everyone has a nice and relaxing October break!

Preschool 3 assembly!

8 June, 2014

Last week, Rainbow and Daffodil classes presented songs they have been learning at the Preschool 3 assembly. These songs were related to our Unit of Inquiry about Products, in particular, food. The children performed very well and had  fun singing Pat A Cake, I’m a Little Teapot and Hot Potato for the parents, other preschool classes and teachers.  Good job Preschool 3! Also thank you to Ms. Catherine who made some lovely chefs hats for Rainbow class.Assembly June 012 Assembly June 020 Assembly June 033

School trip to Carluccios!

22 May, 2014

On Sunday the children went on a school trip to Carluccios. They had a great time there, learning how to make pizza dough and then their own pizzas! At the end of the trip they tasted what they had made. It connected very well to our Unit of Inquiry about ‘Products’ and how food goes through a process of change before it reaches us. _MG_4173 _MG_4182



7 May, 2014

Preschool Three have been cooking every week during our unit about Products. So far we have made rice krispie buns and pizza. Tomorrow, Rainbow Class will be cooking bread and observing the changes bread goes through as it is being made. Also as part of this Unit of Inquiry, we have discussed food origins as well as clothes and how certain types of clothes are made, in particular wool clothes. The children have also been creating a large collage which shows a mother hen with her baby chicks, laying some eggs. The children have worked hard to complete this collage, using paint, cotton wool and yellow shredded paper.  The children have really enjoyed learning all these new concepts throughout this Unit! Cooking April 314Cooking April 321

Some of the mothers in Preschool 3 have visited our classrooms to help us bake different food products!!!

IMG_0452 010 022

The Process & Production of Products!

24 April, 2014

This week, Preschool 3a & 3b were very excited to begin the next and final unit of Inquiry. The  title of our final unit is….  “Products”!

So far, Preschool 3a & b have been very engaged in labeling different products, especially foods (fruits, dairy products and vegetables).

We have also made chocolate rice crispy cakes!April photos 120



Sand Play!

26 March, 2014
Rainbow class enjoying some sand play in the playground!

Rainbow class enjoying some sand play in the playground!